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Aspiring To Be A Data Scientist Know What To Do To Get Hired

Data Science is an extremely difficult career path to get into. Though there is an increasing demand for data science professionals, it still takes mountains to climb to make way into a data science career. There are various factors like lack of experience, education level, confusing job roles, lack of opportunities for freshers, overly demanding requirements that act as a hindrance to get the right job.

If you have just graduated and are constantly getting rejected because lack of experience, then you can consider applying for an internship by contacting the companies directly. You can also try writing a detailed post of your analysis and code on a blog, data site or even LinkedIn. This gives you exposure and also increase your visibility to the recruiters.

With the growing demand for Data Scientists, the skill set has expanded in a way that it can no more be defined. This creates confusion among the freshers who are just starting out. It is a common practice by many companies to put on more skills and experience than actually needed into the job descriptions. If you hold half of the skills they're asking for and can make up for the rest in willingness to learn, passion for the role, then go for it.

If you truly aspire to become a data scientist, then it is important for you to be constantly looking out for opportunities. You need to remember that no employer will come knocking your door. Instead of just commenting on LinkedIn posts, you should be able to contact the hiring manager directly. This always puts you in good books of the recruiters.

Your resume gives your recruiter the first impression. Hence, keep it clean and relevant. Also, customise the resume in accordance with the role or company you're applying for.

To increase your chances of getting hired, try to soak up as much information as you can and learn new things. Skill Sigma helps you with training for advanced skills.

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