Indian businesses are transforming globally, thanks to digitization. Technologies like AI and machine learning are integrated into the business world which is steadily increasing productivity and efficiency at workplaces. Since businesses are digitizing, the working professionals are looking to upskill themselves in order to improve their performance at work and attract new job opportunities. According to the World Economic Forum report, AI will create 58 million new jobs by 2022 which is an indicator to upskill and reskill.
Sectors like AI, Data Science, and Cloud Computing remain to stay in demand with the rise in digitization. The yearly salary for Data Science and Cloud Computing ranges from 5 lakh to 50 lakh, for Artificial Intelligence, it ranges from 5 lakh to 70 lakh. Artificial Intelligence is set to replace repetitive jobs and make way for new opportunities that require more skill. Hence, companies and employees should come together to upskill themselves to prevent becoming obsolete.
According to Business Insider, it is only the digitally skilled employees who need not worry about the increment this year, especially the ones working with data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. It is believed that the salary hikes across the digital areas will vary from 14% to 18%.
Employees understand the need for upskilling and are focusing on taking up digital courses to stay relevant. While there are companies that sponsor upskilling courses, there are still many professionals who self-finance. It is time for organizations to sponsor the learning and development of their employees that help them acquire new technology skills.
If you're a working professional looking to upgrade your technology skills, this is the time. Choose Skill Sigma to upskill which is training more than 26,000 students.