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Decoding Technology Stacks

Nowadays "Technology Stacks" is an often repeated word and is usually used to refer to a combination of technologies, applications or tools stacked together to achieve a programming objective. As an IT professional you are expected to be familiar with a number of technologies at the same time so as to optimize the organizations time and money. Some of the popular technology stacks that are in demand are discussed below.

Web Stack

Once you are familiar with the basic web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript it is important for those starting a career in web development to add other web stacks to their skill. Some of the popular we stacks include LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) Django framework, Java with Spring framework and Meteor, etc.

Full Stack

For a career in application development, a Web Developer is expected to manage the front-end and back-end portions of the application. The full-stack developer is expected to know to operate systems like Unix, Windows, application programming languages like Java, C, Python.


Applications like Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Server side programming like J2EE, Servlets and general project management.

Infrastructure and Networking Stack

For careers in operating systems, networking and server management areas Infrastructure and networking Stack is usually preferred. This includes WISA Windows server, Internet Information Services, SQL Server, ASP.NET.

Data Science Stack

With the advent of large volumes of data, Data Science has emerged as a great career option. A full stack of Data Science should include Python programming, R programming, Big Data with Hadoop, SAS, Spark, ELK, Tableau among many others.

Mobile Development Stack

A career in Mobile development is complemented by additional skills like Mobile device programming with Android or iOS, tools like PHP, Ionic, JQuery, Ajax, and Cloud technologies like Azure, Amazon Web Services, testing with Selenium, TOSCA and continuous integration with Jenkins.

Become a project-ready full stack developer with hands-on training from the experts at Skill Sigma. 

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