In this program, you will master the art of turning raw data into insightful, interactive visualizations. Explore Tableau's user-friendly interface, learn to connect to various data sources, and create compelling dashboards that tell impactful stories. Whether you're a data enthusiast, analyst, or business professional, join us to elevate your data visualization skills and unlock a world of insights!
For 2023, over 7,000 job postings which mention Tableau as an essential competency set. This implies that there is a strong demand for professionals trained in using Tableau within the Indian employment sector.
In general terms, employers are willing to pay heavily for specialists in this field with multiple years of experience. According to estimates, the average salary of this group ought to hover around ₹7,50,000 annually; with those who are more experienced earning anything from ₹11,00,000 upwards per year.
Power BI is widely used for business intelligence and data analysis in many leading firms in India.
By 2025 the analytics market will climb to Rs 40, 000 crores from Rs 20,000 crores, according to estimates; this indicates an annual growth rate of about 15.5%.
After this course you can go for the following certifications