Letter of appreciation from Kasturba Gandhi Degree and P.G. College for Women on Exceptional training on Advanced Excel
Letter of appreciation from Bhavan's Vivekananda College on Exceptional training and internship Program on SQL and Power Bi
Letter of appreciation from Vishwa Vishwani Institution on Exceptional tranining Program on Microsoft Excel 365
Letter of appreciation from Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology on Exceptional tranining Program on AWS Cloud Practitioner
Letter of appreciation from ST Anns College for Women on Exceptional tranining Program on Advanced Excel, SQL & Power BI and Python
Letter of appreciation from Vishwa Vishwani Institution on Exceptional tranining Program on C, SQL and Tableau
Training Experience from Meghana, Bhavans Vivekananda College
Training Experience from Hymashree, Bhavans Vivekananda College
Training Experience from D Surya, Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology
Training Experience from Nanda Kishore, Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology
Training Experience from Abhijeet Shinde
Training Experience from Hymashree Hymashree, Bhavans College
Python Bootcamp
Microsoft Excel 365 Training Program
Tableau Training Program
SQL & PowerBI Training Program
AWS Cloud Practitioner Training Program
C Programming Training Program
SQL & Power BI Training Program
Python Training Program
Python Programming and its Applications